
Cauley Bridge (2021 – 2022)
Structure Rehabilitation Design, Tendering & Contract Administration
County of Brant – Brant, Ontario
Cauley Bridge is an 18 m single-span reinforced concrete rigid frame. located on Muir Rd. S, 2.2 km South of County Highway No. 53. Doug Dixon & Associates Inc. (DDA) was retained by the County of Brant to undertake a Detailed Deck Condition Survey and Enhanced OSIM Inspections. DDA then completed an evaluation of the bridge for the existing and possible rehabilitations. A life cycle cost analysis was completed over a fifty (50) year period to compare various rehabilitation procedures. These consisted of an overlay and patching; both with waterproofing and paving. A Pre-Design Report was prepared to outline the options and provide a recommendation based on various established criteria and constraints. For Cauley, patching, waterproofing, and paving along with the replacement of deficient railings was this selected option. Cost estimates were complete along with a detailed design and tender package. All permits were obtained from the utility owners, conversation authorities, and other stakeholders. The design was completed in 2021 and construction is ongoing in 2022.