
Gobles Road CN Overpass 2018
Bridge Replacement
Dagmar Construction Inc. as Design Build (for CN) – Gobles, ON
The Gobles Road Bridge is located at Mile 40.03 over the CN Dundas Subdivision in the Township of Blanford-Blenheim. The original bridge was a three-span steel through-plate girder structure built in 1924. The bridge carried two lanes of traffic with increasing load restrictions. In 2013 the bridge had a load posting set at 5 tonnes. Shortly thereafter the bridge was closed to traffic. Doug Dixon & Associates Inc. (DDA) provided bridge design services to Dagmar Construction Limited in a Design-Build Contract with CN to replace the existing bridge with a single-span, half-through steel truss bridge with an orthotropic steel deck. The deck is waterproofed and paved. The single-span bridge is supported on concrete abutments with driven steel piles. The approaches to the bridge are constructed with a retained soil system using a sloping wall face. Dixon Doug & Associates Inc. provided bridge engineering services for the design of the abutments and review of the steel truss design. DDA also provided construction liaison and intermittent site inspections during the foundations and abutment construction. The entire project was constructed in four (4) months.