
Innisfil Pedestrian Bridges (2020-2021)
Bridge Replacement – Design & Contract Administration
Town of Innisfil – Innisfil, Ontario
The original Innisfil pedestrian bridges were two historic timber trestle bridges located on the Trans Canada Trail. Both bridges, having been part of the Trans Canada Trail since the early 2000s, and owned and operated by CN prior to that, were flagged for replacement based on severe deterioration to their substructures. Mindful of the history of the two bridges, the challenge was to design replacement alternatives while ensuring the history of the Trans Canada Trail and its bridges remained. Doug Dixon and Associates Inc. (DDA) was retained by the Town of Innisfil to investigate replacement alternatives as well as to undertake the design and contract administration of the replacement bridges. DDA compared four alternatives for replacement and based on capital cost, environmental impact and constructability among other criteria, a recommendation was made. The recommended solution was to install pre-fabricated truss bridges on helical pile foundations. Weathering steel and timber decking was specified to maintain the aesthetic of the replaced bridges. Additionally, plaques were included to pay tribute to the history of the site. Doug Dixon and Associates Inc. completed the Preliminary Design, Detailed Design, Contract Preparation and Tendering Assistance. The Construction Contract was awarded and proceeded to Construction in May 2021 where DDA took on the role of Contract Administrator. Construction was completed in early September 2021.