Morley-Attleberry Bridge (2021 – 2022)
Structure Rehabilitation Design, Tendering & Contract Administration
County of Brant – Brant, Ontario
Morley-Attleberry Bridge is a 15 m single-span reinforced concrete rigid frame bridge over the “Big Creek”. It is located on West Quarter Townline Rd., 0.2 km South of Harley Rd. Doug Dixon & Associates Inc. (DDA) was retained by the County of Brant to undertake a Detailed Deck Condition Survey and Enhanced OSIM Inspections. The results indicated that the deck surface was in fair condition. DDA compared patch repairs and various concrete overlays (latex-modified, ultra-high-performance concrete, silica fume). A life cycle cost analysis was used to compare the various options. In addition to the cost, other criteria, and constraints such as constructability, durability, impact on motorists, and the environment were all considered. Life 365 was used to look at the durability of the rehabilitation using this simple life/durability simulation. A Pre-Design Report was prepared to document the process and provide DDA’s recommendation. The overlay with normal concrete, new curbs, and barriers along with other repairs (form and pump soffit repairs) was the selected rehabilitation strategy. DDA also obtained Grand River Conservation Authority permits as well as the approval of the telecom service mounted on the fascial. All permits were obtained from the utility owners, conversation authorities, and other stakeholders. The design was completed in 2021 and construction is ongoing in 2022.