
Utility Bridge – Force Mail Bridge over Laurel Creek
Rehabilitation Design
WalterFedy – Waterloo, Ontario
Doug Dixon and Associates Inc. (DDA) was retained by WalterFedy to complete the rehabilitation design of the Bridge Street crossing over Laurel Creek.
The Bridge Street Bridge is a single span, side-by-side, precast box girder bridge with a span of approximately 14.2 m. The rehabilitation design included patch repairs to all girders and additional carbon fibre reinforcement to girders with major prestressing strand section loss. Additionally, patch, waterproof, and pave of the deck surface, a new parapet wall with aluminum railing, and a new concrete overlay on the sidewalks were included in the design.
As part of the larger project scope which involved a new sanitary forcemain, the need for a sanitary forcemain support structure was identified. The purpose of the structure was to carry the sanitary forcemain parallel to the existing bridge across Laurel Creek.
DDA completed the design of the support structure. The design used the existing bridge abutments and wingwalls as anchor points for new supports. The forcemain support structure was designed as three simply supported spans consisting of steel plate girders and wind bracing. The HDPE forcemain was hung between the two girders, supported on rollers.
DDA completed the Preliminary Design, Detailed Design, Contract Preparation and Tendering Liaison. The Construction Contract was awarded and proceeded to construction in June 2022 where DDA undertook the inspection of all structural work.